
Brandinnn Patron

"I met you at a very time of my life."
Tiktok movie taste btw😁
I love movies🍿

Favorite films

  • Juno
  • Donnie Darko
  • Memoir of a Snail
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Recent activity

  • Win or Lose


  • Girl, Interrupted


  • Black Swan


  • Cassandra


Recent reviews

  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose


    I thought this was really good and extreamly creative. I generally love how they all had diffrent things, like how kai had the floating and sinking thing and laury had the grey blob guy. I do think this is a bit overated with people saying its the best thing made in 2025 so far. I also really loved the tiny yuwen guy it was such a good way of potraiying how yuwen actually feels.
    In conclusion, Great, creative and a bit overated. Also found the influencer mom annoying

  • Girl, Interrupted

    Girl, Interrupted


    HELL YEAH! I love this so much. I generally enjoy it so much (except the daisy part but jst sh). I wouldve loved to seen what happend to lisa in the end even though it probally wouldnt have been what i wouldve hoped for. Also i have alot of mixed about lisa. Shes really funny and the movie wouldnt have been so good without her but Daisy didnt deserve that.
    Overall Brilliant movie

Popular reviews

  • 13 Going on 30

    13 Going on 30


    HELL YEAH! Literally one of the best movies of watched so far in this year. This wholesome comedy is so funny and generally uplifting. If i was ever in a bad mood i would 100% percent watch this to cheer up. I cant really think of anything to say but overall great everything.
    Also are razzles real i want some

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


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