

Just out here looking for the movies that make you cry, but you’re not sure if it’s from laughing or feeling everything.

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Little Miss Sunshine

Recent activity

  • The Broadway Melody

  • Million Dollar Baby


  • Heretic


  • No Country for Old Men


Recent reviews

  • The Broadway Melody

    The Broadway Melody

    I get it, this was supposed to be innovative for the times and all.

    But, I (elegantly) call bullshit. If Wings and Sunrise could pull Best Picture wins and those won the year prior, that means there has to be literally anything better than this. Seriously, I’ll take anything people.

  • Million Dollar Baby

    Million Dollar Baby


    This was a nice movie, gritty and heartwarming and a bit cliched. Maybe boxing movies just don’t do it for me or maybe I just snapped out of it every time Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon would talk, but this was just a solidly nice movie for me. Everything was good, everyone was good (especially Hillary Swank), overall it was… you know. Good. Is it especially memorable for me? Sorry, I promise I have a heart but for me Million Dollar Baby wasn’t the gut punch it was built up to be.

Popular reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    And with that, I have my first film to make it to my “Best of 2025” list!

    The hottest part about this movie was how Michael Fassbender chopped that garlic. And I assure you, the competition was bloody cutthroat.

    Making a movie this clean and slick and crisp and impeccably paced, all within an airtight 90 minutes??? Forget another Ocean’s movie, I want another Black Bag!

  • Transformers One

    Transformers One


    Right, so if this movie came out when I was a kid back in the 2000’s I would’ve become a Transformers fan a LONG time ago. What a world if Michael Bay didn’t get it in his head that he can both make cool visuals, write, and direct. Shoutout to whoever forced him into just being a producer for this one. 

    Anyway, this was actually both very funny and quite (surprisingly?) moving. I loved how goofy Optimus and Megatron were…
