Brett Sahuri

Brett Sahuri Patron

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man 2
  • Boogie Nights
  • Chungking Express
  • Thief

Recent activity

  • Twilight


  • A Short Film by Jim Jarmusch, Starring Beatrice Domond

  • The Perfect Storm

  • Michael Clayton


Recent reviews

  • Twilight



    Its more classical noir affectations are amusing but the work is just not there for this to be anything other than forgotten to time. The dick stuff was kinda funny tho.

  • A Short Film by Jim Jarmusch, Starring Beatrice Domond

    A Short Film by Jim Jarmusch, Starring Beatrice Domond

    Jim's best work!

Popular reviews

  • Humane



    Brandon: "Look dad, I'm making a Cronenberg movie! Look!"

    Caitlin: "Jay Baruchel is funny. 🙂"

    David: "I have to go be in Jason X."

  • That Sugar Film

    That Sugar Film


    I get that this was made for elementary school classrooms but I still found homie's goofiness and needless inclination to inject his family life into this (Nobody gives a fuck about your newborn daughter bro) only destracts from his thesis.

    It's evident that sugar is pretty damn bad for you and it's role in our culture far too big. Infantilizing this problem doesn't seem like the right move. Show more of the rural Americans living in an endless hellscape of capitalist poison rotting their teeth out. Scare the shit out of the children!