
BrigitteS Pro

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Paprika
  • The Fifth Element
  • Love Actually

Recent activity

  • Bride Wars


  • The Swan


  • The Rat Catcher


  • Poison


Recent reviews

  • The Little Mermaid

    The Little Mermaid


    I’m rather pleased with this adaptation. The casting is great and they managed to improve the whole part when Ariel and Eric grow feelings for each other. The ending is not better than the animated film though, and the story is not that entertaining overall.

  • Call Me by Your Name

    Call Me by Your Name


    Une étoile pour Timothée Chalamet
    Une étoile pour la chaleureuse ambiance estivale
    Une étoile pour la musique

    Je n'ai pas réussi à ressentir l'histoire d'amour à proprement parler, le personnage d'Oliver selon moi ne communique quasiment aucun sentiment sincère. Le film n'a pas su me communiquer ce qui pouvait le charmer chez le personnage d'Elio, à un niveau vraiment sentimental. Et j'ai d'autant plus de mal, du fait de cette absence de véritable lien construit entre les deux personnage à trouver une raison acceptable de ne pas être rebutée par leur différence d'âge.

Popular reviews

  • Mulan II

    Mulan II


    Film #7 of AABATTERY's Scavenger Hunt Mini #4
    Task 16/16 : *Bonus Film* - A film that has 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Oh Lord.. How am I even supposed to write 5 sentences about this ? Well, it's bad, I don't care at all for this ridiculous plot. I didn't give it a worse rating because I save room for movies with very offensive content, or really bad acting, but still... I forced myself through this one.. And none of the songs manage to make it better.
    This disrespects the original movie so much it hurts.

  • Watchmen



    Scavenger Hunt #46 - Task #4

    Well, that's not exactly what I've been expecting and I'm still trying to wrap my head around this one.
    In our Marvel-DC blockbusters saturated time, this vision of a super heroes related movie was very refreshing though !
    I'm not sure what to think of it all yet, but I'd say it's worth watching if you want to watch a different kind of story telling.