

Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • Labyrinth
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Silence of the Lambs

Recent activity

  • Hereditary


  • Wicked


  • Carrie


  • Halloween II


Recent reviews

  • Hereditary



    This is one of the best horror movies I’ve ever seen. Didn’t rely on cheap jumpscares, it was genuinely terrifying in its suspense, execution and especially imagery. There’s a lot of things seen in that movie I don’t think I’ll be able to get out of my head for a long time. Toni Collette produced one of the greatest acting performances I’ve seen in my life and it’s fucking laughable she wasn’t nominated for an Oscar. Everything about this film was perfect and I’d recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it.

  • Wicked



    Acting, singing, songwriting all phenomenal (Ariana Grande Oscar in the bag)  unfortunately that’s as far as it went for me. All of the positives this film had to work with was the material already created by the people who made the musical as well as the people performing. For a movie that really should rely on its beauty I found it very dark and borderline hideous, the cinematographer should honestly step away the next movie if they haven’t already. Could…

Popular reviews

  • 12 Angry Men

    12 Angry Men


    Avoided watching for so long because I thought it’d just be overhyped cinema bro bullshit but it was genuinely a perfect film. A film entirely dependent on dialogue with absolutely no visual stimulation outside of that room and yet that’s all it needed. The acting was phenomenal, the scenes were powerful, specifically the scene with the group ignoring the man spouting racist nonsense, so so ahead of the curve for a 50’s film. Not so much a rewatchable for me…

  • The Usual Suspects

    The Usual Suspects


    The absolute definition of a crime thriller. Full of suspense, great acting and I guessed the plot twist about 100 times before it happened and I was still wrong by the end! The music, the cinematography especially in that last scene was top notch. Iconic quotes constantly throughout the film as well, actors were amazing, this is a movie that will stick with me for a long time. Absolutely amazing film and I’m glad I finally listened to the many people who’ve told me I would love it.
