
Buffalo8 HQ

Founded in 2010 by partners Matthew Helderman and Luke Taylor, Buffalo 8 is a full-service film and media company focused on production, post-production, distribution, design, and finance based…


Liked reviews

"just to amuse myself & keep the good people busy i ordered them to build this city, and my palace; and they did it all willingly & well. then i thought, as the country was so green and beautiful, i would call it the emerald city; and to make the name fit better i put green spectacles on all the people so that everything they saw was green."

"but isnt everything here green?" asked dorothy.

"no more than in any other city,"…

You don't need to show rape and murder to instil fear in the viewer. The male gaze is enough. I never doubted you for a minute, Anna Kendrick.

So disgusting and disturbing I had to walk out 125 minutes in

Feed your soul. Watch this film.

If not for the Black Excellence, then at least tune in for stunning music from these insanely talented High Schoolers.

This exciting musical comes from one of only 4 African American boarding schools (Pine Forge Academy in PA). The students create music videos to their own choir in this topical musical experience. Won the top prize for local film.

first person to ever review this movie on letterboxd. one word: masterpiece.

Beautiful story based on true events with a cast that was able to bring the characters to live. So beautiful, so touching. Thanks for telling this story

Impressive work. I'll Be There strikes the right balance between familial chaos, cancer tragedy, and the comedy of characters and their dynamics between one another. Driven by excellent acting and solid chemistry by and between the two leads Jasmine Batchelor and Ryan Cooper, this is a star offering in this years independent film circuit. One to see.