Awesome chase scene. Close to Bullitt.
Schrider was also great.
Awesome chase scene. Close to Bullitt.
Schrider was also great.
This is shit.
Effects were better in the 50s. Shit.
"human beings are the latest organism to evolve." Pure shit.
Dino-Baboons. Shit
Story. Shit.
It even had a bag of fertilizer. Shit.
Didn't follow the original story at all.
Have to wonder if Burns, Kingsley etc. would give back their paychecks to not be associated with this. It is not even fun.
Meh. But to quote the great philosopher Butt-Head "you can’t polish a turd". And the book was a huge turd.
What a waste of a cast. Dialogue was terrible. Plot was non-existent or non-cohesive. And to call it "true" is rich. Check the main characters Wikipedia pages if you have never heard of them. It was as if they didn't want to make anybody on any side involved upset (with the possible exception of Calles and the federales).