Hey is there anywhere I can get that pigeon costume ?
also so stressed my jaw hurts from grinding my teeth. I don’t even know what to make of it.
This kinda film is my crack. Hard day at work, come home shove this shit on with the girls. Isn’t a high like it.
Also crazy they added the biggest plot point 15 minutes before the end.
Hanna went to bed half way through, me and Amy were simply unmovable.
never watched it and now never will. but had to come and give it a terrible rating because i just found out that in one scene they kill a snake with a machete and they actually killed the snake in real. and not only that but the snake was actually a beloved pet of the directors friend who just thought his snake was going to be used as a prop and they killed it right in front of him without him having any idea that was their intention. he was inconsolable and had to be physically held back by crew members. so i hate this film.