
burritosesh Pro

Favorite films

  • City Lights
  • Fat City
  • The Warriors
  • Mr. Majestyk

Recent activity

  • Cure


  • Meek's Cutoff


  • Five Easy Pieces


  • The GoodTimesKid


Recent reviews

  • Cure



    Finally, a serial killer who cultivates a serious "40 Year Old Virgin flirting in the bookstore" vibe.

  • Meek's Cutoff

    Meek's Cutoff


    Having experienced some extremely remote corners of the Great Basin desert for days on end, I've always loved how perfectly spot on its crazy slow pace is in capturing how truly tedious and bleak this kind of journey must have been. Seen this multiple times since it came out on the silver screen, it's a classic in my KILL ME NOW compendium.

Popular reviews

  • Magnolia


    Fell asleep somewhere after hour 2 and woke up to the frog scene which felt like this very specific experience I had many times throughout the late 90s of being woken up by the music of some bizarre, previously unseen music video on 120 Minutes at like 1 am, groggy as fuck and not quite sure what to make of what was being presented to me at that immediate moment. Then again, once I woke up to R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World" video and that was pretty trippy in a good way, but that's neither here nor there.

  • Quicksilver



    Really surprised this isn't celebrated within the popular 80's movie pantheon. This flick is seriously packed to the brim with everything typical of that era, and more—wall street stock trading,
    Paul Rodriguez, "Larry" Fishburne, a cool chase scene, Cochise from The Warriors, drug running, 80's style montages, entertaining bike stunt jam in an alleyway, Kevin Bacon showing off some rather impressive bike skills, and even Louis Anderson as a bike messenger. Adding to all that fun, I couldn't figure out whether it took place in NYC, San Francisco, or L.A. Probably the best of all the stock trader to bike messenger pipeline movies.
