can we stop letting gal gaSHIT into movies
songs were boring
why make a movie if u hate the original source material
can we stop letting gal gaSHIT into movies
songs were boring
why make a movie if u hate the original source material
a whole lotta wrong and some right
-why did they make luke like that… the reason people think anakin is stronger than him is because we actually see it??? luke gets criminally underrated in this and made quirky
-none of the jokes hit -> when bb8 presses on the spark to stop it then another appears and so on is a joke SO OVERDONE omg
-the resistance arc is so ASSSSSSSS!!! it’s so boring how they r just on…
the aesthetically artistic use of camera, specifically wide shots helped the viewers understand the setting of the film. sebastian exall creates a relatable world surrounded by nature, no women, and hatred for the homeless. Davies’ skill can’t be compared and i feel moved