

Favorite films

  • Halloween
  • Phantasm
  • Spider-Man 2
  • Carnival of Souls

Recent activity

  • The Soultangler


  • Dark Angel


  • Phantasm: Ravager


  • Phantasm IV: Oblivion


Recent reviews

  • The Soultangler

    The Soultangler


    A friend of mine told me yesterday that he looks to my Letterboxd reviews for recommendations when it comes to schlock/horror films, so I thought I'd take a dive into the murky and wonderful world of SOV horror and see if I could find something worth his while. Turns out I did.

    The Soultangler will not be for everybody. It is incredibly strange and disjointed, with a dreamlike tone that I'm not sure was intentional, but I loved it. You…

  • Dark Angel

    Dark Angel


    Dark Angel is a film that I shouldn't have enjoyed as much as I did.

    The reason I say that is because of its similarities to Split Second, a film I very much did not enjoy, thanks to its cliched script and terrible performances. Both Split Second and Dark Angel deal with two mismatched cops who have to track down and kill an alien invader, and in many ways, Dark Angel revels in exactly the same cop movie cliches that…

Popular reviews

  • Star Trek: Insurrection

    Star Trek: Insurrection


    It is often said that the films which are the most fun to make are the most painful to watch. This holds true for Star Trek: Insurrection.

    Insurrection takes a leaf out of the The Final Frontier's book by being a mix of dull, messy plotting and terrible jokes that aren't funny. Moreover, it doesn't even feel like a film, not a theatrically released film at any rate; the overwhelming feeling you'll get once the credits start to roll will…

  • Cemetery Man

    Cemetery Man


    I don't think there's another film quite like Dellamorte Dellamore.

    Tonally, I'd compare it to a strange mixture of Peter Jackson's Braindead meets Withnail and I, with a little bit of Clive Barker-esque melding of sex and death for good measure, but even then, I don't think that can fully prepare you for what this film has to offer. Michele Soavi went all out for his fourth and final horror film, and I think this is his best work, an…
