Christian Ledford

Christian Ledford

“Nostalgia is denial.” | he/him/his

Favorite films

  • The Dark Knight
  • Halloween
  • The Matrix
  • Hellraiser

Recent activity

  • Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


  • Tropic Thunder


  • Wolf Man


  • Hellraiser: Bloodline


Recent reviews

  • Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

    Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


    Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping is not only a continuation of The Lonely Island’s stellar comedic and musical work that began on Saturday Night Live but also one of the most underrated (and my personal favorite) comedies of the 2010s.

    Essentially This is Spinal Tap but for the modern generation, Popstar’s mockumentary following of oblivious and unintentionally-offensive pop-rapper “Conner4Real” (played perfectly by TLI frontman Andy Samberg in one of his best roles) completely skewers the vanity, fame-obsession, and trend-following at all costs of…

  • Tropic Thunder

    Tropic Thunder


    Tropic Thunder is, without a doubt, one of the funniest comedies of all time. Amazing script, impeccable direction from Ben Stiller (who, also, impressively stars as the lead), and an absolutely stacked cast. Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise, in particular, give some of the best performances of their respective careers; if RDJ hadn’t happened to give his performance in this the same year as the late Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker, I can see him having very easily taken…

Popular reviews

  • Hiroshima Nagasaki August, 1945

    Hiroshima Nagasaki August, 1945


    Hiroshima-Nagasaki, August 1945 is an absolutely haunting film.

    The sound design, consisting of alternating silence and subtle ambient music, and flat narration from the film’s two narrators lays an eerie atmosphere of dread and horror over the black and white shots of the aftermath of the American nuclear strikes on Japan. The superb editing is seamless and its transitions nearly undetectable.

    The shots captured on film by noted Japanese antiwar activist Akira Iwasaki are startlingly effective in portraying the sheer death,…

  • Hellraiser: Bloodline

    Hellraiser: Bloodline


    I absolutely love the intention and ambition behind Hellraiser: Bloodline, but, unfortunately, none of it ever really comes together in any truly engaging or entertaining way, mostly due to the endless studio interference and the, frankly, braindead decision to jettison Clive Barker and his influence from the franchise.

    Doug Bradley is fantastic as ever in the role of the Hell Priest (a.k.a. Pinhead), but his sheer eloquent presence isn’t enough to save the film. I have to admit I love…