Unfortunately it was just a snoozer for me 😴…. I love Fassbender. But just thought all the characters were boring and monotone.
Saw with Nelson, Miles, and Ethan at The District (RIP) 😭
Enjoyed a Large popcorn and a peach Monster👹
Wow this movie was incredible. I couldn’t imagine seeing this back in 74 before slasher films were actually a thing. Probably would have blown your mind. Luckily for me, my brain has been rotting away, watching horror movies since I was 13 🤗
Something else really cool about this movie is you can totally feel how much influence it has had on other horror films I have seen.
I loved this movie so much. Everything about it was perfect. Made me freaking tear up man. Really loved it. I’m happy I was able to see it before it was pulled out of theaters. I have listened to a decent amount of Dylan’s music and this whole movie just felt so perfect to me, I can’t really explain it.
I ended up seeing this one by myself and for some reason it made it feel more personal…. Idk. Ok bye 👋🏼 im off to go listen to nothing but Bob Dylan for the next three weeks😎
The first half was so funny. Had me loling!! Wish they kept up that same pace throughout out the whole movie. Second half was just a little too bland…. Excited for Osgoods next movie tho!!
Saw at the district with Miles and Ethan!
Also on a side note the district was such a magical place for 15 year old Jake and it has become a sad, depressing, ghost town…. 😕 heart breaking stuff.