

Favorite films

  • Carolyn And Me: Part One
  • Violent
  • Memoria
  • Die Farben von...

Recent activity

  • The Searchers


  • Coraline


  • Quiet Apocalypse


  • La La Land


Recent reviews

  • Meshes of the Afternoon

    Meshes of the Afternoon

    Showed this to my girlfriend. She claimed to have hated it but then wanted to discuss it and dissect it with me for a half hour afterwards, so did she really hate it??

  • 10 Cloverfield Lane

    10 Cloverfield Lane


    Howard throwing it back to the jukebox tunes has to be top ten greatest moments in all of cinema

Popular reviews

  • Taste of Cherry

    Taste of Cherry


    Beautiful. I just can't stop thinking about how beautiful yet depressing this film is. The color palette and cinematography were easily some of the best I have ever seen. It feels as if you are actually sitting there in the passenger seat of the car looking across at Mr. Badii and the wonderful landscape beyond. This whole film is filled with lovely, memorable shots and precisely crafted framework that have stuck with me long after initial viewing. 

    On the other…

  • Avetik



    (A little backstory of how I watched this)
    Alright. So last night, I had this really weird nightmare that caused me to wake up in the middle of the night. I’d love to explain it but that would take too long and it’s not that important. It was what happened after I had woken up that was what scared me. I was trying to fall back asleep and I heard this loud, scratchy whispering. It sounded like it was coming…
