

Favorite films

  • La Région Centrale
  • At Sea
  • Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets

Recent activity

  • 240 Hours in One Day


  • The Deep Ones


  • Near the Earth, Near the Forest


  • Tehching Hsieh: One Year Performance, Outdoor Piece 1981 - 1982

Recent reviews

  • The Deep Ones

    The Deep Ones


    Fiquei meio enjoado assistindo, filme estranho de nível de deixar desconfortável

  • Slave Training Men of the Dragon Factory

    Slave Training Men of the Dragon Factory


    Esse filme aleatoriamente surgiu a minha frente e não consegui me conter, tive de assistir.

    Muito feliz por encontrar um filme raro da Sachi Humano aleatoriamente pela internet sem ter que comprar o ou alugar o filme, espero que outros pinkus aleatórios dela subam pra superfície da internet assim

Popular reviews

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    top 10 melhores experiências que tive num cinema em toda a minha vida

  • Chungking Express

    Chungking Express


    "All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
    And the sky is grey (and the sky is grey)
    I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk)
    On a winter's day (on a winter's day)

    I'd be safe and warm (I'd be safe and warm)
    If I was in L.A. (if I was in L. A.)
    California dreamin' (California dreamin')
    On such a winter's day

    Stopped into a church
    I passed along the way
    Well, I got…