

Favorite films

  • Donnie Darko
  • Seven Samurai
  • Paris, Texas
  • Citizen Kane

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  • Wedding Crashers


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  • Alien: Covenant


  • The Fall Guy


Recent reviews

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant



  • The Fall Guy

    The Fall Guy


    enjoyed starring in this

Popular reviews

  • The Suicide Squad

    The Suicide Squad


    it's true; james gunn makes the best cape shit. blockbusters that indulge in their own style, turning up the pulpiness, color scheme and personality always outrank the samey team up movies. this isn't quite as good as either of the guardians films, mostly because of the pacing, which feels both haphazard in it's swiftness and constrained in it's logistics. still, the character moments are there, suitably warm and moving, balanced with the crude cutthroat bloodiness that gunn extracts from his…

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix


    wasn't nearly awake enough to fully experience this on my first watch, so needless to say i pretty much love this movie now.

    beyond all the obvious iconic features ingrained in pop culture, the matrix is also supremely effective in it's look, storytelling and action. neo-gothic y2k sounds pretty cringe on paper but it works wonderfully in spite of any pre-requisite cheesiness. the plot also plays out so smoothly, a kind of trail of breadcrumbs being carefully left behind in the strong worldbuilding on display.