
Camorayn Patron

Just a person watching movies :)

Favorite films

  • L’homme atlantique
  • Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
  • Pulse
  • Queer

Recent activity

  • Adolescence


  • House


  • Where Is the Friend's House?


  • Equinox Flower


Pinned reviews

  • Queer




    To feel without touch. To speak without words. To love without fear.

    Luca Guadagnino has made a film that transcends into a plain of pure tenderness and sensuality. Both Daniel Craig and Drew Starkey give their all to this film, they portray so much emotional vulnerability with each of their respective characters. The cinematic language of Queer is so strong yet so sensitive; each shot, each cut, each movement, each music choice, all of it felt purposeful and impactful. This is the best film of 2024.

    There is more I want to say but it’s hard to put anymore thoughts into words at this moment.

  • Eraserhead



    Some part of me thought David Lynch would live forever, he was a figure that was so much larger than life to me. Sucks to see one of my heroes pass away.

Recent reviews

  • Adolescence



    The last episode is probably my favourite. It drops the whole crime drama element of the show and shows the impact and importance that these things have on families and their surroundings. Also seeing Stephen Graham cry is like when you see your dad cry, it’s fucked up and had me bawling my eyes out.

    Episode two is hands down the worst episode in the show. The dialogue was very on the nose in a bad way and the one…

  • Where Is the Friend's House?

    Where Is the Friend's House?


    The teacher in this film has to be one of the most evil characters in all of cinema. How dare you make a poor child cry like that and act as if nothing happened. What a fucking asshole.

    A truly wonderful work that is a perfect representation of how empathy and compassion can drive us to do what’s right in a world bound by conservative values. 

    The criterion supplements has a great video in which Greta Gerwig talks about this film and she perfectly sums up how I feel about it perfectly.

    Here is a YouTube clip of her talking about it: Video

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    I liked Barbie more

    It felt as if the first half was a long trailer for a film that never properly started.

    Has the trappings from Nolan that I can never get down with. The overbearing music and sound mixing, very questionable editing that is choppy, and the cheesy emotional/character moments (except Oppenheimer himself, that stuff was handed well). But then at the same time it has fantastic visual effects that were genuinely mind blowing, really solid acting, and some…

  • The Flash

    The Flash


    What the fuck did I just watch. I should have known better I should have just fucking skipped this, but my curiosity got the best of me. Plus some of my friends said it wasn’t actually that bad. But oh boy……. OH BOY. This might be one of the worst blockbusters I have ever seen. 

    Thank fuck this bombed at the box office because this thing is the complete embodiment of what is wrong with mainstream cinema as a whole.…