“Did they have test screenings?” -my girlfriend.
1 star for the cute little star tho, especially his little sweater dance
Like all Ghibli films, absolutely worth a watch for the incredible animation, attention to detail to ground you, and mountains of creativity. It just felt like 2 different movies at around the halfway point, both of which have interesting ideas and great tone, but wish they had explored/focused on expanding one rather than going for both.
Probably one I’ll revisit though down the road!
Really beautifully shot, some fun performances, and honestly loved a certain dance scene. But the ending really refocuses and reiterates the least interesting parts of the story, and shifts the focus away from the more interesting elements of obsession and inferiority into something less specific yet weirdly spelled out step by step.
Emotionally deviating but has so much heart, made me text my brothers immediately to tell them I loved them. Builds you up believing in these brothers as much as they believe in each other, which makes the domino effect of their family’s real and imagined curses hit even harder.