

Favorite films

  • Harold and Maude
  • Rushmore
  • A Zed & Two Noughts
  • Fellini Satyricon

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  • Conclave


  • I Am Not Your Negro

  • Basic Sanitation, the Movie

  • Challengers


Recent reviews

  • I Am Not Your Negro

    I Am Not Your Negro

    "This is NOT the land of the free"

    las imágenes de este docu ya dicen demasiado, pero las palabras de James Baldwin tienen filo y cortan de manera precisa y profunda.

    “The line which separates a witness from an actor is a very thin line indeed...I had to accept that part of my responsibility as a witness, was to move as largely and as freely as possible. To write the story, and to get it out."

    Un llamado de James…

  • Challengers



    I hated this, it was so dead lol. just tennis fancams and ridiculous plotlines leading to unclimactic kissing.

    it didn´t even try to accomplish anything more than being a sexy movie and thats exactly what it is.

    The entire film feels like it belongs on tiktok. i will be catastrophic abt the fact that this is the art our generation is gobbling up mindlessly.

    zendaya looked amazing and the soundtrack is great those are the only redeemable qualities challengers has.

    p.s: the ending was also amazing!!!

Popular reviews

  • The End of the Tour

    The End of the Tour


    Loved the acting. Jason Segel really nailed dfw's voice. Jesse eisenberg also did a great performance of the younginsecureambitious nobody that looks up and tries to stand out to the Somebody.

    dfw's insights about american life are always super welcome and the film accompanied them nicely with visuals of immense parking lots you get lost in, infinite highways, aisles and baskets packed with junk food. All these images pointing to a more negative side of consumerist america.

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  • A Woman Under the Influence

    A Woman Under the Influence


