
carsonhoug Patron

Avid hobby jogger, washed up alphabet speed typer, sparkling water enthusiast

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
  • Stand by Me
  • Memento
  • Back to the Future

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Citizen Kane


  • John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid

  • John Mulaney: Baby J

Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Went in fully blind and had lots of fun

    Unfolded as more of a comedy than I expected but it was welcomed. Thought there was a lot of exposition that wasn't really necessary but still enjoyable. Budget had to have been like a trillion dollars

    Bong Joon Ho says it’s not political and I trust the goat. Movie reminded me a little bit of Don’t Look Up but in a good way

    Couple really cool shots that stood out on IMAX

    Potential hot take🚨 
    Pattinson > Timothee I said it!!!!!

  • Citizen Kane

    Citizen Kane


    Hard to go in without insurmountable expectations with how this movie is revered but I enjoyed

    It is astonishing bewildering perplexing that this was released 84 years ago

    Iowa is home to the oldest theatre in the US and one of the oldest in the world. It was opened almost 45 years before this. WHAT DID THEY PLAY FOR THE FIRST 20 YEARS??????

Popular reviews

  • Manchester by the Sea

    Manchester by the Sea


    Devastating emotionally and financially since imma go buy more carhartt

  • Point Break

    Point Break


    What I want to do even more than go skydiving is be in a real foot chase 

    Fences, alleys, strangers houses, the whole nine yards

    Every time I see one I think about what I would do as the one running and being chased and I think I would absolutely kill at it