Your fear of death attracts such strange objects
On the necrophiliac, and otherhood. The closeness of attaining distance.
Your fear of death attracts such strange objects
On the necrophiliac, and otherhood. The closeness of attaining distance.
Mostly not what people say it is - Salo formally has so little in common with horror or the works of New Extremity it supposedly inspired aside from the presence of graphic violence and "being disturbing".
Really, I think this has the most in common, at least thematically, with other queer works about violence from the mid-20th century, like Jean Genet, Kenneth Anger or Mishima - It sets out to define its own terms of what fascism is - the…
Actually a criminal offence that Faye Wong's cover of know who you are at every age is played for literally a second.
MUCH to be said here about Walter Benjamin and the functioning of mechanical reproduction of art and landmarks, removing them from context and parading them about for their display value, which is now near worthless, only contextualised by the idea that they do have a history, tho the history is unknown.
Does the miniature version of Beijing have a miniature World Park?
A prescient work on digital connection and mechanical alienation.