

Favorite films

  • The Mummy
  • Jurassic Park
  • Top Gun
  • Dead Silence

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  • Ferdinand


  • Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


  • 17 Again


  • Species

Recent reviews

  • Ferdinand



    Movie title relevance rating:
    10/10 - Ferdinand was the main character and his name was mentioned so many times!

    Points to Louis for being obsessed with an absolute banger of a movie. However, loints taken away for asking so many questions about bullfighting instead of watching the movie, and then falling asleep and snoring through half of it.

  • Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

    Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


    Movie title relevance rating:
    7/10 - I wouldn't necessarily say anyone was versing "evil" but I do get how it could be construed that way and Tucker and Dale are very important people in this movie, so points for that.

    I love this movie. It is clever, and funny, and I feel I can relate to a lot of the reactions to things that happen during the movie (don't know what that says about me, but whatever)

Popular reviews

  • Howl's Moving Castle

    Howl's Moving Castle


    This one's for you, Joe

    Movie title relevance rating:
    10/10 - Howl's castle definitely do be moving an awful lot throughout the whole movie!

    This movie is great and silly and makes me feel happy, and I relate all to well to Turnip Head; hopping around like a loon all the time 🥲

    This movie is exactly what I needed tonight

  • Night Swim

    Night Swim


    Movie title relevance rating:
    10/10 they did do lots of night swims throughout the movie!

    This movie made me feel funny, but that is because I hate lots of water and all the shots of them swimming gave me anxiety.
    Not the worst horror movie I've seen, but definitely not the best, either...
    I think it should be mandatory that everyone does a basic first aid course at some point in their lives - nobody in horror movies seems to know how to give CPR, which is always unfortunate, because someone almost always needs it...