

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • The Hobbit

Recent activity

  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


  • Star Wars


  • Dragon Ball: Goku's Traffic Safety

  • Dragon Ball Super: Broly


Recent reviews

  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

    Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


    Dragon Ball Movie Marathon - Day 29:

    It figures when I want to finish a marathon technical and life difficulties suddenly increase to throw a wrench into everything… Whatever. Seeing as how I already reviewed this movie when I saw it in theaters (link here), I’ll keep this review “brief”.

    For characters; It’s really satisfying to finally get some focus back on Piccolo and Gohan who dropped off in relevance halfway into Z. Dragon Ball has such a large…

  • Star Wars

    Star Wars


    Darth Vader is an evil space cyborg-wizard and Tarkin blew up a planet as a statement, but let’s not gloss over Leia selling out the humble farm planet of Dantooine.

    Maybe she survived space in The Last Jedi not by the Force, but being colder than cold.

Popular reviews

  • 1917



    "1917" is two hours of unrelenting tension that traverses the wasteland battlefields of World War I France in all its grim horror and beauty. Not only are the visuals on-par with what one would expect from a Sam Mendes/Roger Deakins' production, but they are the heart of this film. Some may view its style of editing that makes the movie appear as two continuous shots to be a gimmick to increase public interest, but I disagree. Having it this way,…

  • The Irishman

    The Irishman


    In terms of Scorsese films, this one is pretty by-the-numbers. If you have seen any of his crime dramas, there is nothing particularly 'new' here. Yet, Scorsese films usually have great numbers so it still proves engaging from beginning to end. The visuals and music are solid. I enjoyed how there was a little text edited in that showed how/when a character's real-life counterpart died. All the banter between the people was amusing. Etc. This is basically like a reunion…