Cat Halo Movies

Cat Halo Movies Pro

I do love me some movies.
***** Excellent
**** Very Good
*** Good
** Okay
* Bad
My movie glass is usually half full.

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • Star Wars
  • Almost Famous
  • WALL·E

Recent activity

  • Reign of Fire


  • The Commitments


  • Wolfwalkers


  • Jason and the Argonauts


Recent reviews

  • Reign of Fire

    Reign of Fire


    Ultimately, it's more disappointing than bad. The cast is good. The story is simple, but good. The effects are good, benefitting from not showing the dragons much. On the downside, they don't show the dragons much. And the action, of which there is a good bit, feels small and poorly shot.

  • The Commitments

    The Commitments


    A fittingly soulful movie. It's genuinely funny, with great writing and performances. It's also very cool, despite the grimness, especially if you remember Dublin in the early 90s.
    And then there's the music, which is spectacular. Their version of every song is my favourite cover of every song.

Popular reviews

  • The Goonies

    The Goonies


    A bloody good 80's Kids On Bikes movie, one of the best. A great fun adventure. The story and script is fun. The kids are all great. The baddies are scary, and also brilliantly bumbling fools. The music is jaunty. Richard Donner delivers the best Spielberg movie Spielberg didn't direct.

  • Super 8

    Super 8


    I really love this movie. It works on every level, for me. The story, the look and tone, the performances young and old, the action, the score, the effects. All of it. An original enough story, with interesting characters, firmly in a modern 80s Amblin vein.
    The movie the kids were making plays over the credits, and is kinda great.
    I'm also a sucker for dead Mums in movies.