

Favorite films

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  • Mickey 17


  • Souleymane's Story


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Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I was expecting better from Bong Joon-ho, but still, he manages to surpasse most of the industry.

    As expected, I had a lot of fun watching this one but didn’t expect this particular storyline, it’s not as original as I had hoped. That being said, Mickey 17 is still a great piece of entertainment. I really felt everything it was meant to make me feel (partly because those alien babies are the cutest).

    Robert Pattinson didn’t disappoint; he was perfect…

  • Souleymane's Story

    Souleymane's Story


    Absolument bouleversant, une réalité bien dure à regarder en face. Un film de haute importance face au climat politique et social français, qui ne cesse de se diviser devant cette misère. Souleymane est le reflet d’une France dure et cruelle. Qui peut regarder ce film sans avoir envie de retourner la terre entière ? L’acteur aura obtenu ses papiers grâce à ce film. C’est maintenant à nous de nous battre pour tous les Souleymane dont l’histoire ne sera entendue que…

Popular reviews

  • Kinds of Kindness

    Kinds of Kindness


    Had to think about this one for a little bit before writing anything. 
    I really liked it thats for sure but I find it hard to put words on this style. It really reminded me of Beau is afraid, in the absurdity. 
    First I tried to make sens of it but I don’t think it’s the point, I feel like this movie represents the craziness of people, juste a group of animals trying to make sens of there existence. I…

  • In a Violent Nature

    In a Violent Nature


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
