C πŸ”ͺπŸ’—

C πŸ”ͺπŸ’—

Favorite films

  • Scream
  • The Craft
  • Ginger Snaps
  • Jennifer's Body

Recent activity

  • After We Collided


  • After


  • Boy Kills World


  • World War Z


Recent reviews

  • Boy Kills World

    Boy Kills World


    Its watchable but it has two MASSIVE problems. I feel that it dosen't have enough worldbuilding and that it has forgettable characters.

    Its like a video game from the action scenes (which are fun to watch) but they last too long.

  • World War Z

    World War Z


    Good movie, but it did more telling than showing.

Popular reviews

  • Child's Play 3

    Child's Play 3


    The film is just boring. Its too slow paced, I understand because it adds tension. But I feel it failed at that.

    I also wish that the characters, except for Chucky and Tyler, to be more interesting. Like Andy has been tramatized so much because of Chucky and they just make him a bland main character!

    Overall, this is ass.

  • Ginger Snaps

    Ginger Snaps


    Horror, dark comedy at times (mostly at the beginning) and two amazing actresses who I couldent imagine anyone else as Ginger and Brigitte.

    Emily Perkins is great at playing Brigitte, from being attached to Ginger at the hip to finding her independance and being very good at being awkward. And Katherine Isabelle plays Ginger very well, she balances Gingers mood swings in the beginning very well and then shes great at portarying Gingers downfall as she turns into a werewolf.

    R.I.P Norman the dog