Hiroji Haraguchi

Hiroji Haraguchi Pro

Favorite films

  • The Iron Claw
  • The Amulet of Ogum
  • How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman
  • Garotas do ABC

Recent activity

  • The Iron Claw


  • Conclave


  • Chime


  • Hit Man


Pinned reviews

  • Tetro



    "Até dois terços do filme, esse psicologismo do filme raramente tem a oportunidade de se materializar na relação dos personagens com o ambiente. No entanto, a partir da cena em que Tetro vai ao festival na Patagônia, há uma reflexão do estado do personagem no ambiente que o cerca. Ao mesmo tempo em que ele finalmente começa a enfrentar seus fantasmas do passado, seu entorno se transforma, e o que antes era um filme estilizado mas relativamente contido, começa a…

  • Lancelot of the Lake

    Lancelot of the Lake


    Lancelot du Lac, as Kurosawa's Ran, is an statement from a classic director towards the modern. Bresson, already in the end of his career tells a reflexive tale about war, treason and whatever else useless things humans do. Even Bresson is human, this film is the pinnacle of his experience accumulated in years alive. Only someone who saw people come and go, and times change could be able to offer such a comprehensive view of what is humanity, at the…

Recent reviews

  • The Iron Claw

    The Iron Claw


    Absolutely devastating. While the real story is already sad, the film uses a kind of detachment from reality that isolates us from the surroundings, at the same time that convinces us that wrestling is really the only and most important thing in the world. The fight scenes as the pinnacle of this: a lightning that focuses solely on the ring, isolating it from the rest of the world. A composition that suggests both the spectacle (spotlight) and the isolation. Sean…

  • Conclave



    Edward Berger rigorous camera finds the perfect subject, one even more rigorous than his formalism. But while the church is rigorous in its structures, Conclave's direction is oppressive but never limiting. All these elegant compositions capture the beauty and mystery of the institution and the director allows himself to explore the latter as a genre film. The film is best in imprinting this sense of mystery, as if there is always a hidden intention in each dialogue. Good for the depiction of the milenar mythological institution ad good for the political thriller.

Popular reviews

  • Drive My Car

    Drive My Car


    Drive my Car is a patient and touching film. With a perfect pacing that gives you plenty of space to absorve a dense and emotionally powerful script, the procedural style of the film highlights its strong writing.

  • Annette



    Maybe not since Godard a director is so concerned with establishing a Brechtian dialectical relation with its audience. We as espectators are constantly reminded that we are watching a movie. But while Godard used this as a political action, Leos Carax is more interested in the possiblities of cinema as a language in general. Constantly, we are twice espectators: watching Annette the movie and watching McHenry routines. Or watching Ann or Annette the child singing. And that is clear from…