I was entertained! Gagged at the budget bc the budget wasn’t budgeting
One of the better real people remakes!
I was entertained! Gagged at the budget bc the budget wasn’t budgeting
One of the better real people remakes!
Holy fuck
The first part of the film we meet Brody coming to America after surviving the war. He meets the rich people and works for them blah blah blah. Honestly the first part of the film kinda just felt like set up, as most pt 1s are in my opinion. I enjoyed it and it was fun but it wasn’t that girl.
And then we had the fucking intermission. Honestly I was really fucking mad about this gd intermission.…
I rewatched this film after adding it to my top four and I just re remembered why I love it so much. I watched this for the first time in 2018 when I was still in high school and it really hit me deep and moved me in a way a queer film never had. Watching it again tonight, I cried. I love how it isn’t a film about coming out or some cliche notion of being queer for straight people.…