Alfonso Cuaron Supremacist
Ratings = my enjoyment, not their artistic quality
This was a film I watched for the first time when it came out 8 years ago now and I haven’t seen it since. But it’s really stuck with me this whole time. Like I think about it all the time. So thought I’d give it another watch and it’s just as good if not better than I remembered. Just the perfect coming of age story
The love/attention scene…idk I tear up thinking about it and it’s something I think about all the time
Actually perfect ending. Like so so so perfect.
Fuck I love this movie
The girls were fightinggggg
Sometimes felt like they were trying to add plot twists just for the sake of having them but I can forgive it bc it was so well crafted. Set design and cinematography were unreal. Ralph and Stanley did incredible.
Very interesting film to come out in the american election year. Perhaps a little heavy handed on that front but I enjoyed it honestly