
Connor Pro

“In the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.”

Favorite films

  • Schindler's List
  • The Godfather
  • Interstellar
  • Jackie Brown

Recent activity

  • The Campaign


  • Analyze This


  • Trap


  • The Intern


Recent reviews

  • The Campaign

    The Campaign


    Flight Movie #5

  • Analyze This

    Analyze This


    Flight Movie #4

Popular reviews

  • Punch-Drunk Love

    Punch-Drunk Love



    Deconstructing Sandler’s previous filmography, and creating his own romcom vision, Anderson creates a fine anarchic viewing which is tough to beat.

    Blissfully gliding from being angry, sad, scared, and in love, Sandler stands tall as Barry Egan as he tries to navigate social anxiety and life’s threats around him. Emily Watson shines as Lena who never fails to light up Barry, the room, and the entire film for every scene she’s in. Combine this with Anderson’s slick comical…

  • Cocaine Bear

    Cocaine Bear


    Better than expected - It is technically well crafted, and a fun, silly, but not stupid experience. Obviously the elephant (or coked up bear) in the room is the the weak characters and their dialogue - (but perhaps they need to be weak to complement the manners in which they die?)