Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
i am having a hard times in my life right now.İ feel like i have no purpose and i lost my faith and belief in myself. I was becoming worse day by day.And then i almost be a lost ghost that this movie mentioned it.Yes i was exactly a lost ghost,i become a monster especially to myself. I am the one who destroy myself. Even if i in my 20s i did not find a reason to live. But after…
is’int it kinda sad that i see myself when i look betty :( but it is really good love story everybody must seen. Alsoo i am constantly in love with French movies...Their colorfulness and simple but aesthetics creatures.. when i open any french movie even if scenario is bad i continue to watch..
I have been thinking about if we lose our patience to live our lives what will gona do? Is it okay to commit a suicide ? In this movie drummer boy lose his sense of hearing and it means he lose his desire and reason to live actually. Everbody says we don’t hold on another person to live becauset is easy to lose him/her.But we can see that we can lose every fucking things in our lives and what we…
After watching Suspiria Quentin Tarantino cries !!!????? and give hug movie’s director öasjjwh I am not sure whether i like this movie or not. it is not completely explained what is the links between actions.Story is not satisfied me i focused on dancing parts but cinematography and acting are so great. i love how directors use dance as a chaotic art in the movie.And movie shooting is excellent. While i was watching i said wow thats an artistic perspective.