
:) Pro

goal: 130 films this year !

Favorite films

  • Coraline
  • To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar
  • O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  • Farewell My Concubine

Recent activity

  • Amadeus


  • Videodrome


  • Mickey 17


  • Flow


Recent reviews

  • Amadeus



    really one of the best movies ever but also!!!! the inspiration for one of fob's top 10 side tracks ever

  • Videodrome



    finally watched the movie that made that early screening audience member forget their gender 🫡 was into this way more than i would imagine. very thought-provoking but also off-the-walls and dumb sometimes

Popular reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    -a pretty fun ride once you get into the mindset of what you were expecting was not it
    -and by that i mean the politics being extremely weak and surface level
    -and i also mean that the director being bong joonho i had higher expectation other that fun movie
    -the creepers!!1! elicited the biggest reaction out of the room by far ilovve them
    -loved robert pattinson's silly weird guy with the accent and everything,, i hope my sister doesnt watch this bc she'll clock me for my taste in protagonists

  • Flow



    watched this w my family because my dad loves cats. we only go to the movies together like 4 times a year. so uh, i think he was satisfied.

    as for me, i like how mysterious it was. it was an universe i will never get to fully explore, because it is not part of the main adventure. a very stressful adventure too. as a whale lover i looooved the design of that character too. and yes i shed a…