

Just a guy searching for the best stories that the world has to offer

Favorite films

  • Hellboy
  • Mayhem
  • Cats Don't Dance
  • Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins

Recent activity

  • Happy Gilmore


  • Semi-Pro


  • Daredevil


  • Asher


Recent reviews

  • Happy Gilmore

    Happy Gilmore


    A good fun film, that still puts a smile on my face, can't believe that it is almost 30 years (it will be in 2026). Thought with all talk of the up coming sequel by Netflix it was time to revisit this film.

    The whole cast does a great job with the material they are given, Christopher McDonald as Shooter plays a wonderful villain and Julie Bowen is great. Allen Covert as the homeless caddy named Otto is a real…

  • Semi-Pro



    This is a fun film with a great cast line up. I am a bit biased in enjoying comedies from the 2000s, and I would go as far to say as a genre comedy is my favourite.

    Now is this the best Will Ferrell comedy? No, but it is still a funny one, and who doesn't want to laugh? Woody Harrelson stands out giving off the best performance in the cast, with a character that has more layers than just there for a funny line.

    This film is a good time, definitely worth a watch.

Popular reviews

  • Tengoku Daimakyo

    Tengoku Daimakyo


    This show has fun characters and a great sense of mystery that had me returning each week to see what will happen next.
    The designs for the monsters are really cool, and I love the world. There is plenty to explore in season 2 whenever that is made.

  • Look Back

    Look Back


    An uninspired story, and the animation felt off, it did not feel smooth which seems ironic since the story is about two great manga artists.
    I found the lead character to be very unlikeable with no redeeming moments that made it impossible to care for the emotional part of this anime, this whole thing does not work if as an audience member you don't care for the two characters. The 2nd character felt under developed meaning I also did not emotionally care for them either.

    The end result a rather dull short film.