

male living space. Oh my god pls don’t take this seriously

Favorite films

  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Batman Forever
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Birdcage

Recent activity

  • The Merry Widow


  • The Taming of the Shrew


  • My Fair Lady


  • Julius Caesar


Recent reviews

  • The Merry Widow

    The Merry Widow


    Watched this because I missed out on Jeremy Brett’s singing voice in My Fair Lady but this story is so good I’m embarrassed I hadn’t heard of it before😭 oh my god!!!

  • My Fair Lady

    My Fair Lady


    Jeremy Brett is lovely and im his biggest fan and Audrey is beautiful and that makes all of this worth it unfortunately. but this is borderline unwatchable for about 60% of it and the rest of it is still inherently offputting. Henry “why can’t a woman be more like a man” Higgins is the representation misogynistic gay men really needed. Every time I’ve thought about this story I get so angry I have to lie down so I don’t know why I thought rewatching it would be anything but torturous!

Popular reviews

  • Pride and Prejudice

    Pride and Prejudice


    Certainly in the top 5 of things to come out of Britain. There may be hope for that country yet

  • Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar


    If your wife tells you to not stir forth you gotta listen to her man

    Thank you marlon brando and james mason and john gielgud
