

26 | he/him | i love horror and cowboys

Favorite films

  • Berserk
  • Pan's Labyrinth

Recent activity

  • Honey

  • O Brother, Where Art Thou?


  • Promare


  • Aniara


Recent reviews

  • O Brother, Where Art Thou?

    O Brother, Where Art Thou?


    one of my faves [review pending]

  • Promare



    saw this in 3D my first time around and even now after watching 6 times i open ao3 every time

Popular reviews

  • Ghost: Rite Here Rite Now

    Ghost: Rite Here Rite Now


    great concert footage, funny stuff in between. my taint was thoroughly tickled.

  • Aniara



    what a film.
    i don't even have words for it. it's making me feel so much, so many things that i could say about it, but how do you phrase such emotions?

    i watched this today, in a very vulnerable headspace. i've been having a hopeless, depressive episode for months, and what do i even say? how can words articulate the way i feel? my heart feels heavy, but it makes me want to spend time with those i love and to take in everything the world has to offer.

    life goes on, but not always with us.