I love images and sounds.
Come along with me as I watch every movie (and block every letterboxed user along the way)!
I only finished this about an hour ago but it's quite possibly my new favorite thing.
Paranoia is just an extension of our search for meaning.
Don't let the runtime scare you. This is literally structured as a mini series and can be treated as such! Although I recommend sessions be long enough so you start feeling at least a little delirious. Surprisingly full of laugh out loud moments, but can also switch to being inexplicably unsettling on a dime.…
A sung-through musical that's sad in the way that real life is sad. Last time i had seen this, before i had ever fallen in love i thought this was about the saddest movie. Seeing it again after my first real break up, it's still sad, but not as much. Things tend to work out eventually even if not quite in the way you had hoped.
Still like... the best movie. So tragically underseen!
It's just such a singular thing and such a weird mix of images and sensibilities and it reminds you that a movie can really be anything. A movie can be about being a sad gay candy colored cat boy finally getting to hang out with that one boy who's a little older and cooler and seems to know something about everything and who's nice to you even tho you haven't really talked…
Gregg has tapes of Julien Donkey Boy and Pasolini's Arabian Nights and I dunno what else