Every indie film in the world wants to be this film. And everyone wants to be a tenenbaum.
The rich color scheme. The angles and filming style. The costumes. The casting. The soundtrack. Everything is so perfectly done.
Every indie film in the world wants to be this film. And everyone wants to be a tenenbaum.
The rich color scheme. The angles and filming style. The costumes. The casting. The soundtrack. Everything is so perfectly done.
Every. Single. Frame. Is perfect. All of them. I just love every character, every scene, every moment.
The only likable character in this movie Igor the bald one. Like what a sweetheart!! Comfort character honestly. This is a really good movie. I feel bad for her but also she dumb as hell and a bit annoying. I would totally fall for it too tho. I don’t like the ending, but I think it’s important. At the end of the day, Ani’s stuck in a cycle of only valuing herself for her sexuality and not knowing where else to go. The last frame is absolutely heartbreaking. I am crying g as a type this. I hate men
everyone says this is their favorite movie... I liked it. I didnt LOVE it, to be honest. but.i like it.
wow I should honestly be a film critic my reviews are so moving.