

Forgive the typos and spelling mistakes xx

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner 2049
  • Frances Ha
  • Her
  • Children of Men

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Bridget Jones's Diary


  • Babygirl


  • Jubilee


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Look I’m in love with Robert Pattinson so basically anything he’s in that isn’t torture to watch I’ll most likely enjoy. This was no exception, it has some really high moment that make you think it could turn into a real classic. Buuuut all the rumours were true, it’s incredibly over stuffed - it’s trying to be 4 movies in one but doesn’t really end up nailing enough to be great. The concept of someone dying and being printed back…

  • Bridget Jones's Diary

    Bridget Jones's Diary


    It had me in the first half - Rene gives an incredible performance - but it just got so silly and stupid in the second. I think the main L of the film is I don’t really vibe with Colin firths character. They don’t really have the chemistry he literally just exists and is kinda nice to her. Obvious doosh Huge Grant (for you Darcy xx) is an obvious doosh. 

    ~ “nice boys don’t kiss like that” “yes they fucking do” 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

    I liked it - just didn’t end up loving it. Really really fun tho and super silly.

Popular reviews

  • Louis Theroux: By Reason of Insanity

    Louis Theroux: By Reason of Insanity


    Who knew that Obama was elected president because a dude was shot in the legs three times on Martin Luther king day. 

    Also louis has a wet jumper, that man is cash from 3.

  • The Thing

    The Thing


    This is an incredible movie. It nails gore and not just because the effects are bonkers out of your mind gross but because of how well it uses it. There is such an amazing build up and pay off to every explosion - you’re on the edge of your seat and then boom your like WTF !!! I love those type of movies. 

    It’s also not a dumb movie. The characters are all smart and do exactly the right thing…
