Everytime I had a bit too much drink and watch movies, I tend to watch something I love. Usually by…
Things that I worked on.
I work in Austria's film industry in non creative roles and just realized, some of it is on Letterboxd. Mostly…
Scavenger Hunt 14- May 2016
I failed miserably, but I'm still happy for every film I managed to watch.
I haven't tried such a challenge…
Just a list of stand-up-specials i watched. Unfortunatelly I live in Austria and here is not mich of an audience…
Top 10 of 2014
These are my Top 10 of 2014 as of today. I still have not seen most of this years awards…
Random Netflix Generator
Since I started subscribing to Netflix a year ago I loved it. But over this year almost 500 movies or…
My unwatched Collection.
This is my New Years resolution. I want to watch all the movies in my DVD/Blu-ray-Collection I have not seen…
Top 25 of 1990-1999
My List for this Poll: letterboxd.com/jvince/list/poll-the-letterboxd-communitys-top-100-movies-1/
Top 10 Favourite Foreign Films
My Top 10 Since I am from Austria, almost every movie is a foreign movie to me, but I…
Top 15 Horror Movies
My list for letterboxd.com/schederzmoviez/list/top-50-horror-films-of-the-letterboxd-community/
Again, not a lot of classics on there, but I will catch up as soon the…