How can you not smile after Elle’s final court scene? 🥰
Elle is so pure 😭
How can you not smile after Elle’s final court scene? 🥰
Elle is so pure 😭
i didn't enjoy this movie as much as i wanted to
i love art. i love biographies. i love learning about people and their lives, and i definitely learned a lot about his life, but idk how much of the film was accurate to real life
i thought jeffrey wright was excellent though. most of the cast is tbh
my problem is with the story. what exactly where they trying to say? not sure what i was supposed to take…
You know what- unless you’ve packed up and moved to NYC to pursue a career in musical theatre against your parents best wishes only to end up slaving away so hard that you lose fundamental pieces of who you are while chasing that elusive dream and it’s caused you to veer so far off the path you were on that you don’t even recognize yourself anymore, don’t say anything to me about this film
I’ve only seen this movie one other time and I def cried. I wasn’t ready lol
This time I was prepared and I only got emotional once 😌
"You get to exhale now, Simon."
That scene will never not break me. Actual tears, man
I'm not gonna dive too deep into it, but I think about this movie quite often. I know people think it's flawed. I know some people think it's unrealistic and that Simon as a character isn't a good protagonist. But regardless, it's hopeful. It's a blueprint for hope. It might be a dream, but the end result is a reality that so many queer…