

Favorite films

  • Once Upon a Time in the West
  • Shogun Assassin
  • Pusher II
  • Grizzly Man

Recent activity

  • The Accountant


  • In Bruges


  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


  • High and Low


Recent reviews

  • The Accountant

    The Accountant


    Pretty good actionmovie, that is plagued by a boring b-plot that takes up way too much of the movie. Everything with Affleck, Bernthal or Kendrick is good though. Kendrick and Affleck have really good chemestry, and Bernthal is a blast as usual.

    Hopefully the sequel can expand on the ideas introduced here as I see lots of potential.

    Gavin O'Connor is a real director and the actionscenes is very well done. A mix between Wick and Bourne. It is serious without being selfserious, which is good considering how absurd and ridicolous is plot is. In that regard is reminds me of the Equalizer-series.

  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

    Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood


    This movie requires very much from the viewer. You have to have an understanding of: Charles Manson, Old Holywood, New Hollywood and Spaghettiwesterns to really appreciate this film. Luckily for me I do, but I could see this becoming a major issue for a lot of people.

    It is a strong return to form for QT after The Hateful 8. It has some of the same issues with sloooooow pacing and selfindulgence, which plagued Hateful 8, but somehow it works…

Popular reviews

  • In the Middle of the Night

    In the Middle of the Night


    Glædeligt gensyn med en mærkelig genreubestemmelig film. Filmen taber lidt af charmen i 3. akt, som bliver lige dramatisk nok efter min smag.
    Har mange af de samme charmerende træk som karakteriserer Ballings andre film/produktioner og rammer en folkelighed der rummer både kærlighed og kritik.

  • The Great Silence

    The Great Silence


    I wish Cobucci was a better filmmaker. He’s concepts are very strong but he’s camerawork and dialogue are wanting. There are moments of brilliance in the movie but the story is heavy handed. The soundtrack by Morricone is off course brilliant. Kinski had a great face and charisma but too many one note lines. Where Leones dialogue is razor sharp this one comes of kind of sloppy. It just seems rushed all around in a way Leones films never does.
    The ending is an all timer. When I was a teenager I hated it. Now I’m 44 and love it.