To fully understand the work of Peter Watkins, it is important to understand the context in which he made his films. This rule is especially important in the appreciation of Edvard Munch, without a doubt his most personal achievement, and one of the few who received praise from the public. The NRK, the Norwegian broadcasting company that co-produced the show, was particularly displeased by this potential success; it may be because of the fact that Watkins was a foreign director,…
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La Commune (Paris, 1871) 2000
13 days.
In 13 days, Peter Watkins, his team and 200 non-professional actors worked together to create one of the most important piece of cinema of all time. Its 6 hour runtime may seem intimidating, but every second is crucial to achieve Watkins' objective.
The director was already known for his critiques of mass media, and its tendency to silence those who challenges the status quo - he himself was the victim of the system, notably with the release of…
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Moonstruck 1987
At first you wonder if it really deserved the Silver Bear, but then slowly but surely Cher completely controls the screen, Nic Cage goes absolutely all out, Rita and Raymon fall in love again, everyone is funny, Cage delivers his speech, every character is confused but it all feels right and you wonder when you'll ever be able to find that kind of love in your life.
Nicely done, Norm.
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Gina 1975
Faut croire que Denys Arcand a toujours été susceptible, rancunier et cynique, mais au moins avant il avait une bonne raison de l'être; c'est vrai que se faire annuler son documentaire par l'ONF parce que tu brasses trop de marde est pas une pilule qui doit facilement s'avaler. Je sais pas si le mélange entre méta-fiction acerbe et rape and revenge est si harmonieux par contre, les deux histoire allant dans des directions tellement différentes qu'on parle moins d'un…
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Suitable Flesh 2023
Everyone is laughing and I don’t get it. They see a crazy flick that doesn’t take itself seriously, terrible on purpose, and all I see is a poorly made film that hides its flaws under the veil of self-awareness and doesn’t have the decency to follow its own rules (what launches the final act makes absolutely no sense, and yet everyone just accepts it as if it was logical, or even fair). When I left…
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Sam 2021
Habituellement je préfère écrire ma critique quelques jours après avoir vu le film, histoire de bien laisser le film reposer, donner un avis qui a assez de recul. Sam fait exception à la règle, puisque je me doutais déjà du dénouement de l'histoire rien qu'en regardant la bande-annonce. On m'a pourtant averti qu'un aspect thriller inusité à ce genre de drame sportif-ish rendais le film plus intéressant, j'ai donc voulu lui donner une chance.
C'est très mauvais. L'aspect thriller tant…
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