“I love the theaters”
Jack Nicholson said this once.
Genuine masterpiece of cinematic storytelling. On first glance it seems like Jodorowsky has a very specific artistic vision and will prioritize that over the sense of the plot but I feel like what lies underneath is much more. His direct intent to tell a story through long still shots of beautifully laid out madness allows the audience time to take in the atmosphere of the environments the characters inhabit. Each scene feels like a carefully crafted piece of art with their own inherent meaning. This is definitely not for everyone however and if you watch this you’re either gonna love it or hate it.
This movie felt like an exhausting, forced effort to get to a cool scene where Captain America fights the Red Hulk around a bunch of cherry blossoms. From what I’ve heard this movie endured a hellish production cycle and extensive reshoots which really shows throughout the runtime. The main villain feels like a plot device shoehorned in there just so the climax can be the aforementioned Red Hulk and Captain America fight. The funniest part about the entire thing however is that it’s a sequel to a movie everyone almost forgot about - including Marvel.
Ok so I have to do a bit of explaining for this one. It’s well known I enjoy partaking in the viewing of some Japanese cartons and reading material so it may not be a bit of a surprise for me to say my favorite series in any form of media is Hajime no Ippo. I know none of my followers (but one) actually knows what this series is so I’ll do a bit to explain: Hajime no Ippo is…
The Brave Little Toaster is what The Godfather is to white people. A masterpiece.