

Favorite films

  • A Brighter Summer Day
  • Empire Records
  • Three Colours: Blue

Recent activity

  • Barbie

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

  • The Killer's Game

  • Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy

Recent reviews

  • Barbarian


    Very well made. Sometimes you feel safer to be with a creepy female creature than having a human guy around you..

  • Fukuoka


    Only films can bring this strange luxurity to the screen when it shows someone's life in quiescence, until a phone ring finally made them find themselves being caught in a dark bookstore.

Popular reviews

  • The Wanderers

    The Wanderers


    It seemed like a poetry. I would say that not only because the script is written by one of the most famous Japanese poet Shuntaro Tanikawa, but it also remains a strange, complicated feeling behind. At the same time I felt like seeing a improvised play with a strange storyline, which is surprising and interesting. 
    The movie is natural to be categorized as a comedy, but sometimes it has solemn and remarkably beautiful scenes just like every…

  • The Makioka Sisters

    The Makioka Sisters

    英題がMakioka Sistersじゃあ、なんとも趣がない。細雪という題の美しさが好きだ。映画のラストで、登場人物たちが各々見上げる細雪の空。この映画の感想を書くとどうしても叙情的になってしまうけど、日本の風景の美しさが際立つ映画で、これを見ると「冬が来たなあ」と思う。満開の桜から鮮やかな紅葉と寒々しい冬空まで、登場人物たちの激動の運命もなんだか遠く些細に思われて、それは桜と細雪の中に霞んでいく。遠い昔の時代だからだろうか。蒔岡家の人々へのクローズアップされた物語と、登場人物から離れ映される四季の風景との対比が、儚い夢のようでめまいがする。俳優陣もとても良い。吉永小百合の霞むような美しさを始めとして、4姉妹を演じた女優たちはもちろん、脇を固める俳優たちの頼りなさそうさ...も良い。わたしの好きな映画は、どこか懐かしさを感じさせるものだけど、この、遠い向こうに霞む桜と細雪の中の人々の運命の世界へ、時々帰りたいと思うのだ。

    I think of coming of winter when I see this movie. The English title is not the best one. It should be “Sasameyuki(fine snow)” as the title of the novel by Junichirou Tanizaki. 
    With fully blossomed cherries and red fallen leaves, and cold sky of winter, this movie records the beautiful Japanese sights of four seasons. That makes a contrast with the story of Makioka family, showing a fragile dream. My favorite movies are always nostalgic one and I always want to watch this movie like I miss my home.
