
Matt Patron

Favorite films

  • The Man Who Stole the Sun
  • Sweet Home
  • One Cut of the Dead
  • Goké, Body Snatcher from Hell

Recent activity

  • Stray Dog


  • Stray Dog


  • Borderline


  • Kubi


Recent reviews

  • Kubi



    Well that was surprisingly tremendous fun. Somehow I’d missed the memo on how ridiculous this movie was. This is not the somber, reflective, Kitano that brought you Hana-Bi or Kikujiro, this is Beat Takeshi subverting the samurai movie and a whole bunch of legendary names of Japanese history into a delightfully gory, and very gay, comedy. 
    When I started learning Japanese one of the early phrases that I came across that made me feel it was a really delightful language…

  • The Gorge

    The Gorge


    Felt a bit like a waste of good chemistry between the leads when it became a silly CGI fest. And I assume at this point people say ‘wouldn’t it be cool to have Ripely in our movie’ and Sigourney Weaver just sighs and tells her agent to ask for a stupid amount of money, because I can’t remember the last time I saw her in a substantive role or in a not silly movie.

Popular reviews

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    Punch-Drunk Love


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    August Underground's Mordum


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