some funnies still funny
some funnies very rly bad
it’s history idk
(not a haiku)
I love a one-day summer bottle episode in the neighborhood type of movie
heavy-handed treatment of an interesting premise. I find this to be an overall disappointment from bong bc historically he is excellent at toeing the line between subtle and in-your-face to Punctuate his Points; here I think he undercuts the power of his own commentary.
also the movie takes too much time exploring Mickey’s inner world in act ii before finally letting the plot run its course. and bro I love an exploration of characters’ inner worlds more than anything, so…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
no… NO!!!!!! no. and also why????????????
edit: I am so sorry about the length. I blacked out and when I came to, there was War and Peace here.
I will start by saying that the MOST frustrating thing about this movie to me is how it wastes its potential. when they get to the big thesis, it’s this wonderful, complicated, beautiful idea. “You had to leave because you are you, and I love you because you are you. But to…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
megan mullally did not have to outsing everyone like that just saying
oOOkay here we go grab bag:
- i liked that they just used 2 guys and kept saying they were identical twins it made me chuckle
- craig was a better actor but trevor was a better singer
- i dont even know if megan thee stallion's verse was good bc the rest of her song was soooo bad!!
- no like this whole movie was so…