

“The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry”

Favorite films

  • Forrest Gump
  • Captain Fantastic
  • Donnie Darko
  • Annie Hall

Recent activity

  • Duck Soup


  • The Day the Earth Stood Still


  • Talk to Her


  • Life Is Beautiful


Recent reviews

  • Duck Soup

    Duck Soup


    Podem ter certeza, esse filme vai ser minha próxima citação em uma redação

  • The Day the Earth Stood Still

    The Day the Earth Stood Still


    Não vou mentir, esperava mais. Parece um episódio de The Twilight Zone, mas eu ainda prefiro To Serve Man. 
    Eu vi um comentário falando sobre a mensagem que esse filme quer passar e como ela acaba sendo falha, e nisso vou concordar completamente. Klaatu fala sobre seu planeta como uma forma de vida ideal, em que só há paz e harmonia. Porém, quando você para pra pensar que isso só é possível quando há o uso de armas e opressão…

Popular reviews

  • Lost in Translation

    Lost in Translation

    I hated the approach of this movie. It seems that the blame is all placed on their marriage, and what's worse, the film suggests that the relationship they build was the solution to all their problems. This is ridiculous. Their life is horrible because they can't fulfill it effectively on their own. It doesn't matter if they stay married, get divorced, marry other people or marry each other. This spark of happiness that was created with their relationship is something…

  • Taxi Driver

    Taxi Driver


    Man, I love how relaxing this movie is
