n a j v a

n a j v a

Favorite films

  • Another Round
  • Prisoners
  • Arrival
  • Hamilton

Recent activity

  • Tristan & Isolde


  • Outlaw King


  • Ironclad

  • Braveheart


Recent reviews

  • Tristan & Isolde

    Tristan & Isolde


    My face in thine eyes, thine in mine appears, And true plain hearts do in the faces rest; Where can we find two better hemispheres Without sharp north, without declining west? Whatever dies, was not mixed equally; If our two loves be one, or thou and I love so alike - that none can slacken, none can die.

    Like an exquisite piece of poetry, this film acts strong sensationally; it captures the heart and fills its audience with an unshakable…

  • Outlaw King

    Outlaw King


    Starting off pretty strong, Outlaw king cannot exceed its limits and remains a mere one-time-watch amusement. The film suffers many flaws; from the poor introduction to characters -let alone characterization- to choreography of the action scenes, all rushed and not properly paid attention to. Although, if you like the cast -like I do- or have low expectations from the beginning, the movie gives off some good historical facts and a really handsome Robert the Bruce.

Popular reviews

  • Palm Springs

    Palm Springs


    To me, Palm Springs turned into one of 2020’s best ones. Considering the tricky and tough-to-play theme it has, the writing is walking on a thin line like an acrobat in a 200-meter height. As the audience, we expect him to fall off any second, to the loophole of clichés and plain rom-com situations of its genre but surprisingly, even till the very last scene, it doesn’t.

    As much as the story totes the excellence, it still couldn’t make up for…

  • Truth or Dare

    Truth or Dare


    I don't even want to write a review for this :/