
Carly Pro

Watching a bunch of religious media during Lent (with secular palate cleansers as needed)

Favorite films

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Legally Blonde
  • Evil Dead II
  • The Big Lebowski

Recent activity

  • Sing Sing


  • Snow White


  • Breakthrough


  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


Recent reviews

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    I wasn’t planning on watching the live-action Snow White. Not this weekend, not when it drops on Disney Plus, not ever. Like many, I was fed up with Disney’s live-action remakes of all their beloved animated classics and dismissed them all as soulless cash grabs, but Snow White in particular has garnered more negative publicity and toxic buzz than all the previous remakes combined. It was the most talked-about movie in America for all the wrong reasons, and remember, we…

  • Breakthrough



    Topher Grace was such a realistic hip evangelical youth pastor I actually wanted to crawl into my own skin from the cringe.

Popular reviews

  • Pulp: a Film About Life, Death & Supermarkets

    Pulp: a Film About Life, Death & Supermarkets


    When I say "not all white men are bad dancers" I am referring to Jarvis Cocker and only Jarvis Cocker.

  • Old Fashioned

    Old Fashioned

    Remember when I said Fifty Shades of Grey was the worst romance movie I'd ever seen?

    I lied.

    It happened, guys. Just when I thought Fifty Shades of Grey was the worst romance movie ever made, this happens.

    “But Carly, how could ANY movie be worse than Fifty Shades of Grey?”

    I don’t know, reader. There is no rhyme or reason to how the Christian film industry could drop something as insufferable as Old Fashioned on the American public, which…