Me and my friends made this short film 2 years ago for our drama final. It took us a few hours in total. I know it's not very good but I love it so much.
Me and my friends made this short film 2 years ago for our drama final. It took us a few hours in total. I know it's not very good but I love it so much.
Horrorx52: 8/52
Very fun movie!! I don't think its horror but it was on the list so whatever. Denise Richards is so good at playing the most annoying bitch characters ever. The whole cast was so good and I loved the small town Minnesota setting. Brittany Murphy (rip) and Kirsten Dunst are perfect I love them so much.
i don’t log this or perks anymore but i watch them at least once a week each
Horrorx52: 6/52
This movie was pretty good until the 3rd act which STUNK. The movie forgot it was horror for like 15 minutes too but whatever. Some really cringey lines (why is devon sawa saying incel???) and the bad final act killed this movie. No reason to rewatch it over Valentine/My Bloody Valentine.